The University of Harmonious Living (UHL) is self-sustaining community initiative comprised of people from various backgrounds and ages. Collectively we explore, learn, research, live, and educate a way of living which ensures harmony within, with each other and with the environment. We have cultivated our relationships based on mutual understanding, trust, and respect which has given us deep confidence in each other and in humanity. UHL is an environment which is transparent, cohesive, sustainable and ethical where together we can develop our intrinsic human nature of perseverance, courage, generosity, kindness, graciousness and compassion. UHL is a small emerging relationship based harmonious system where we do not need to live with any kind of artificiality, inferiority, superiority, greed, domination, cleverness, cheating etc. All of this has been made possible by the clear and comprehensive world-view of Harmonious Coexistence as propounded by A. Nagraj for which we are incredibly grateful.
Prior to establishing UHL, through practice in our own living we have gained confidence in the possibility of a living system where matter, plants, animals and humans can coexist harmoniously together without exploitation and friction. After experiencing this evidence in our collective living, we decided to share our learnings and experience so that we can bring a larger momentum to realize a better world together.