Our Centre

About CHC
The Centre for Harmonious Coexistence (CHC) provides a viable ‘alternative’ based on Madhyasth Darshan (Worldview of Harmonious Coexistence) which addresses all aspects pertaining to human wellbeing. It strives to nourish human creativity and ingenuity while ensuring the sustainability of nature. The worldview proposes that the existence is in coexistence (everything exists together) and there is an innate harmony and balance from the atomic to cosmic level. It proposes a holistic understanding to actualize this harmony from the personal to global level. CHC ensures the fulfillment of the following comprehensive goals of human living proposed by the Co-existential worldview:

  • Inner resolution in every individual
  • Prosperity (absence of the feeling of lack) in every family/team
  • Fearlessness and trust in society
  • Harmonious coexistence amongst nations and at the international and environmental level

The current education model and governance systems are inadequate to ensure humankind’s innate need of happiness and prosperity for all and to provide solutions for challenges and risks from the personal to global level. The Centre provides an alternative holistic education to gain wisdom and develop comprehensive knowledge and skills as well as harmonious organizational structures to establish global cooperation and ensure the opportunity for all to live with happiness and prosperity. This leads to a united human society in harmony with the whole planet. This new innovative education and networked global governance model ensures happiness and prosperity for all by achieving the following objectives:

  • Consciousness development through value-based education to realize inner well being
  • Equality between men and women by proper understanding of human beings.
  • Balance between richness and poverty by ensuring inner resolution and prosperity (absence of the feeling of lack) in every family (team)
  • Undivided society and harmonious global governance systems (where every human being feels related to each other and with the environment)
  • Coherence between value-based education, human conduct (living with values, character and ethics), constitution and societal order
  • Coherence in humane culture, civilization, law (norms and legal frameworks) and governance system aligned with existential harmony.
  • Coherence and harmony in all aspects of human life (realization, thought, behaviour and occupation), at all levels (individual, family, society, nation and inter-nation) and at all tiers of the system (from family to world family)
  • Justice, peace and sustainability on the Earth by achieving shared human goals

– Bragg Creek Centre
The Bragg Creek Centre is a place to establish an inspiring living and education model based on the Worldview of Harmonious Coexistence. Here, we strive to practice living in harmony within, with each other and with everything in the environment. It is a place founded upon relationships, where together we strive to understand, live and share what we have found to be a very practical, effective and profound worldview. We offer workshops and retreats as well as education programs for children to share this understanding. Together we cultivate our relationship with each other and with the land as we work towards self-sufficient living through farming/gardening and crafts while producing in a cyclical manner where everyone and everything is enriched.

We are located on 30 acres of land in a forest setting near Bragg Creek, Alberta (30 min from Calgary). Surrounded by pastures, forest, pond and a seasonal creek, this place is also home to many birds, animals and plants. There are two beautiful log cabins on site where we offer our retreats and workshops. When we are not having our retreats, we share this space with the wider community by renting it out for family/group gatherings, community events, organizational meetings, etc. through our company Folk Tree Lodge. Please see additional activities here.