Historically, human beings have experimented with various forms of governance, with extraordinary emphasis on and influence from the economy/capital or faith/religion. Instead, the global governance model presented here is centred on humanness and humanity and rooted in existential harmony. This is the emphasis in the worldview of Harmonious Coexistence which recognizes that harmony is the most fundamental principle of nature from the atomic to the cosmic level; and that wellbeing and genuine human prosperity for everyone depend on fulfilling relationships, global cooperation and harmonious interactions with the environment.
Designed as the foundation for a system of global governance, the coexistential worldview forms the basis of a holistic education taught in thousands of educational institutions from elementary school to university in India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. It has had a profound influence on people from various walks of life i.e. educationists, scientists, spiritual leaders, politicians, social activists, farmers, and even prison inmates. Where it has been adopted by families and communities, it is strengthening the fabric of society.
This is a new model of governance that is decentralized, self-organized, networked and collaborative. The entire society is recognized as an undivided unit and part of a system of global cooperation. The system has the following ten-tiers, with autonomy at the third tier, called “Autonomous Community/Township/Village.” Autonomy here means the availability of justice, production, exchange, health and education to everyone in that level of the system.
The Ten-Tier System
– Family (or Team)
– Cohousing/Neighbourhood (or Family Group)
– Community Living (or Township/Village Family)
– Block (or Township/Village Family Group)
– District (or District Family)
– Zone (or Zonal Family)
– Province (or Zonal Family Group)
– Nation-State (or Central-State Family)
– Regional Organization (or Principal-State Family)
– United World Organization (or World-State Family)
The foundational unit in this global governance system is the team (family), usually about 10 people within which humane work and behaviour are fostered. The team (family) is defined on the basis of duties and responsibilities and not by lineage, marriage, ethnicity, etc. This makes it possible for every person to feel valued, and less vulnerable to loneliness, anxiety, boredom, and depression.
Through participation in global governance, each human being can find purpose and meaning in life, a basic necessity for genuine satisfaction. Real participation is conspicuously absent from contemporary governance. This creates a wall of distrust between people and governments, giving rise to public apathy and anger, which is fertile soil for violence and social disintegration.
In elections, a small number of people who know each other well choose their representative to the assembly. For example, each of the teams (families) would elect one representative for the Team Assembly. Each of the ten Team Assemblies would elect one representative to the Community Assembly; and each Community Assembly would elect one representative to the Township/Village Assembly.
The person elected serves both as the representative to the assembly of the next tier and as Chief-Representative of their own assembly. Those elected to the assembly of the United World Organization (UWO), which is the highest level assembly, elect their own Chief-Representative. Since elections are always decided by a modest size group who know each other well, there is no campaigning or corruption.
Humans have both needs and responsibilities that must be recognized if a harmonious system is to be achieved. Five programs based on these needs and responsibilities are specified as a frame of reference for the global governance system.
Education and Values: A set of values conducive to harmonious coexistence and a system of education to foster those values is essential. This will enable responsible, creative, well-informed, universal participation in global governance (global citizenship).
Health and Self-regulation: Public health and medical care are basic needs for a healthy society. At the personal level, a healthy life style is one of the individual’s own responsibilities.
Production and Work: Production of basic goods and services is a function of any healthy society, and the individual’s contribution to this process through their work is part of a good life.
Exchange and Treasury: The availability of goods and services for all requires a system of fair exchange (free from profit and loss) and a storage bank. Avoiding excess as well as scarcity, while ensuring that the system is truly sustainable, makes environmental awareness and sustainable energy use essential. Exploitation, disparity, poverty, waste, misuse and excessive wealth accumulation are signs of failure.
Justice and Security: Human beings have a relationship with the Earth (the natural world) and with each other. A person living with justice does not exploit or abuse these relationships. The Earth is the basic source of human security. Those who degrade the environment are undermining human security. Conversely, by contributing to harmony in the cyclical balance of the natural world they contribute to their security.
Each assembly from the township/village level, up to and including the UWO appoints five councils, one for each of the needs (areas of concern) to focus on how, at that tier of the global governance system, the assembly can help fulfill the related program.
The councils at each level work under the guidance of their assembly. Because the responsibilities of the assemblies at each level are somewhat different, the focus of a council working, for example, at the Township/Village level will differ from the focus of the corresponding council working at the UWO level. There is compatibility and complementariness at all levels in the system.
The harmonious dynamic of this global governance system derives from the unique rights, responsibilities, and duties of the assemblies at each tier of the system. Each assembly is responsible for the harmonious function of the whole. The rights, duties, and responsibilities of the assembly at each level involve enabling the work of the assemblies at the next lower level and coordinating the efforts to meet the needs of that part of the society for which they are responsible; as well as implementing the suggestions of the assembly at the next higher level.