Human being & Aims of Living

Human being is a natural entity on the planet with its own uniqueness. Humanbeing have the capability of imagination and freedom for action. Because of this, we are capable of exploiting, abusing, and destroying, or nurturing, conserving and responsibly using this planet. We can witness the imagination in every child from birth, along with the development of body. Due to this power of imagination every child wants to understand oneself and the whole existence. In this process, whatever we have imagined in terms of material goods, we have endeavoured to realize these ideas, resulting in many developments and technologies. Despite all of our advancements and achievements, the experience of inner contentment is still lacking. In an attempt to fulfill this inner lack or discontentment, human beings have created various complex challenges and issues. Despite the complex challenges humanity is facing, every child from birth wants-

– Justice and fairness
– To conduct and behave in a good way
– To speak truthfully

Considering the above situation, it is evident that inner discontentment is due to a lack of clarity of human nature and the shared human aim, thus leading to growing problems from the personal to global level.

The existing education model, governance systems, institutions and prevalent worldview in the society have been unable to provide this clarity. According to the Worldview of Harmonious Coexistence, human beings are a unique entity whose aims of living are inner resolution within every individual, prosperity (absence of the feeling of lack) in every family-team, trust in society and harmonious coexistence amongst nations and at the international and environmental level.

Inner resolution: Having the clarity about the definite needs of human beings at all stages from birth to death and the proper understanding of how to ensure the fulfillment of those needs for all human beings in a fair, just and sustainable way. In addition, having a clear vision of the systems that can ensure the fulfillment of these needs for all human beings in a sustainable manner. This inner resolution leads to genuine happiness.

Prosperity: Recognizing the material needs in one’s family and having the ability to produce more than those needs by investing physical labour with skills and proficiency joyfully while maintaining ecological balance. This process encourages many families to cooperative, share and exchange, thus leading inner peace and togetherness.

Fearlessness (Trust): Having the ability to live free from conflict in the present, due to the availability and accessibility of holistic value-based education, eco-friendly production and fair exchange without profit and loss for every family. This leads to the experience of inner contentment and fearlessness in the society.

Harmonious Coexistence: Having the capability to live harmoniously by aligning ones life with natural systems, and creating harmonious systems so that everyone can participate. This way of living enriches people’s lives, conserves ecological balance and ensures the wellbeing all. It leads to the experience and continuity of pure joy as well as harmony in the world.

The aims described above are naturally acceptable to all people because these are the fundamental aspirations of all human beings regardless of age, nationality, background, etc. As human beings begin to recognize their shared human aims, conflicts, struggles and opposition begin to dissolve. Clear understanding of these human aims and the ability to live accordingly can be established through the availability of value-based education for every child.