Satisfaction through Participation In the System

Harmony and balance on the Earth will be established when every human being will participate in the decision making and its execution process. The participation in the decision making, its execution and result obtained in it is the main reason/cause for satisfaction in human being. At present, there is absence of balance and equality in active participation in decision making and execution process at every level in the global
governance systems. In the current systems the decision making bodies, executive bodies and common people who are bearers of (affected by) the outcomes all are separate from each other and this creates a gap and difference between public and government and gives rise to disagreements, opposition and struggle and further more become the cause for terrorism, rebel, armed conflicts, etc.Determination of a national and international agenda become easily possible when uniqueness of human beings, shared human aims and methods and process of living with these aims become totally clear from one to many. Since there is acceptance in such an agenda by each and every one, thus it ensures global cooperation and mutual fulfillment in togetherness and inner satisfaction.